Supported Employment Services is employment for adults with disabilities working in the community with support from a job coach.
Employment Services is employment for adults with disabilities working in the community with minimal support from a job coach for a short time.
Criteria for acceptance into Supported Employment and Employment Services: Determined eligible by Vocational Rehabilitation or Rehabilitation Services for the Blind. The Job Development Specialist believes that employability with reasonable support is likely. There is a likelihood of maintaining employment with minimal supports.
How Do Employment Services Help People? Enables people with disabilities to live up to their potential and become interdependent with the community. Allows individuals to live and work in the community. Encourages personal growth through employment. Enables people to become more active in the community.
How Do Employment Services Work? The Job Development Specialist analyzes the abilities, skills, and interests of the potential employee then matches him/her to a job with an employer in the community. After an employee is hired, training and support are provided through the use of a job coach. A job coach works one on one with the employee. They analyze the job and break it down into manageable components using the least intrusive method possible to help the employee achieve satisfactory performance. As this is achieved, the job coach gradually fades away until a minimum level of contact is reached.
What Do Employment Services Do For Area Employers? Provides businesses with quality, productive employees who meet specific needs. Solves high turnover rates by referring reliable, long-term employees. Reduces training costs by performing assessment, task analysis, and on the job training. Offers retention services to maintain employer and employee satisfaction. Provides a valuable resource for pre-screened individuals, ready to start work. Provides an untapped labor market of potential employees. Fees for services are paid by a third party funding source. Please inquire should you have any questions about fees, reasonable accommodations, ADA, disability awareness, assistive technology, or possible tax credits.